Being a leading mechanical engineering company in the market, in Climec we know that we need to be constantly learning, update our knowledge about the international product offer and attend the most important shows worldwide, so, every year we attend different shows, exhibitions and courses all over the world.
Every year we attend the annual ASHRAE show in the United States, as well as the International Exhibition of Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilation Industrial and Commercial, which is organized in in Madrid-Spain. This is very important for us as we can learn about the advances on the latest in air conditioning technology focused on the needs and European regulations.
With more than 700 exhibiting companies from 13 countries, we found out about the novelties focused on equipment design, optimization and control of facilities, new refrigerants, reduction of energy expenditure and environmental care.
We saw many offers of innovative equipment and solutions for residential, commercial and industrial facilities focused on high energy efficiency, as well as more environmentally friendly solutions. Several companies unveiled intelligent heating equipment, domestic heat recovery, innovative heat radiators and radiant water panels.
The new refrigerants to reduce the environmental impact were the protagonists of several workshops, and are already being used in the equipment. Several companies offered a wide range of state-of-the-art equipment that uses different refrigerants, such as the R32 or the HFO A2L family of refrigerants (suitable refrigerants to comply with the F-GAS regulation), and we also check the use of CO2 as a new possibility of refrigerant.
The interventions in panels of experts on relevant topics led us to think about the not so distant future with practically self-sustaining buildings. Spaniards must meet with the new Technical Building Code, related to buildings with Nearly Null Energy Consumption (EECN), due to the implementation of Royal Decree 235/2013. That is why companies must develop and invest in technologies focused on 3 fundamental principles:
- Very high energy efficiency level.
- The low amount of energy required by the building must come, mostly, from renewable sources produced “in situ” or in its surroundings.
- Design and assembling of environmentally friendly systems taking into consideration the GWP index (Global Warming Potential).
To witness all these advances and see companies with goals focused on caring for the planet, leads us to continue proposing increasingly innovative engineering solutions that follow this much-needed trend.
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